2011年10月2日 星期日

[網路] PORT整理

網路芳鄰:TCP 139, 445UDP 137, 138

2011年5月28日 星期六

[攝影] 光圈

光圈數值是一個比值〈分數〉,表示為1:2.8或者1:5.6這樣的形式。我們可以用f/2.8或是F2.8這樣的形式來表示光圈值,在拍攝所涉及的光圈範圍一般是F2.8 ~F32




F2.8 適合模特兒和人像攝影

  • 讓相機快門速度保持在一個合適的範圍內
  • 景深變淺,背景模糊,重點集中在所拍攝的人物上。
  • 觀景窗較易觀察調整

F5.6 適合人物和旅行攝影

  • 在中等光圈下,可以根據不同的光線條件做出反應,縮小或者增大光圈。

F16 適合建築和室內攝影

  • 拍攝出的建築物更清晰
  • 在使用廣角鏡頭時,可以把暗角和畸變問題降到最低

F32 適合靜物和產品攝影

  • 拍攝靜物時不允許出現模糊的情況。
  • 拍攝靜物時,選擇合適的焦距起著決定性的作用。
  • 避免使用廣角鏡頭,會讓拍攝出的物體比例失調,使用大約50mm的焦距是更好的選擇。


2011年5月27日 星期五

[歌詞] Shiver

Artist: Natalie Imbruglia

I walk a mile with a smile I don’t know I don’t care where I am
But I know it’s alright
Jump the tracks can’t get back I don’t know anyone around here
But I’m safe this time

Cos when you, tell me, tell me, tell me stupid things, like you do
Yes I, have to, have to, have to change the rules, I can’t lose

Cos I shiver, I just break up, when I’m near you it all gets out of hand
Yes I shiver, I get bent up, there’s no way that I’ll know you’ll understand

We talk and talk around it all, who’d of thought we’d end up here
But I’m feeling fine
In a rush never trust you’ll be there, if I’d only stop
And take my time

Cos with you, I’m running, running, running somewhere I can’t get to
Yes I, have to, have to, have to change the rules, I’m with you

Cos I shiver, I just break up when I’m near you it all gets out of hand
Yes I shiver I get bent up there’s no way that I’ll know you’ll understand

What if you get of at the next stop?
Would you just wait as I’m drifting off?
And if I never saw you again, could I, put all, of this, aside

Cos I shiver, I just break up when I’m near you it all gets out of hand
Yes I shiver I get bent up there’s no way that I’ll know you’ll understand

I shiver, I shiver,
Cos I shiver, I just break up when I’m near you it all gets out of hand
Yes I shiver I get bent up there’s no way that I know you’ll understand

shiver (v.) 顫抖
get bent up 下定決心
drift off 漸漸離開

2011年5月16日 星期一

[攝影] 鏡頭的焦段

  • 50mm焦段的鏡頭在全片幅〈135底片規格〉下,約略具有與人眼相同的視角與感覺到的壓縮感。
  • 焦長大於50mm的鏡頭,例如85mm、135mm或是200mm就屬於望遠鏡頭,拍出來的相片具有較明顯的壓縮感。
  • 焦長小於50mm的鏡頭,例如35mm、24mm或是14mm則屬於廣角鏡頭,它們能讓相片中物體之間的距離有被拉開的感覺。

2011年5月5日 星期四

[歌詞] Welcome to Wherever You Are

Artist(Band): Bon Jovi

Maybe we're different, but we're still the same
We all got the blood of Eden, running through our veins
I know sometimes it's hard for you to see
You come between just who you are and who you wanna be

If you feel alone, and lost and need a friend
Remember every new beginning, is some beginning's end

Welcome to wherever you are
This is your life, you made it this far
Welcome, you gotta believe
That right here right now, you're exactly where you're supposed to be
Welcome, to wherever you are

When everybody's in, and you're left out
And you feel your drowning, in a shadow of a doubt
Everyones a miracle in their own way
Just listen to yourself, not what other people say

When it seems you're lost, alone and feeling down
Remember everybody's different
Just take a look around

Be who you want to, be who you are
Everyones a hero, everyones a star

When you wanna give up, and your hearts about to break
Remember that you're perfect, God makes no mistakes


I Say Welcome (x2)



Eden (n.) 伊甸園

veins (n.) 靜脈

drowning (v.) 隱沒

doubt (n.) 疑惑

miracle (n.) 奇蹟

2011年5月3日 星期二

[歌詞] Calendar Girl

Artist: Stars

If I am lost for a day try to find me
But if I don't come back then I won't look behind me
And all of the things that I thought were so easy
Just got harder and harder each day

December is darkest in June there's the light
But this empty bedroom won't make anything right
While out on the landing a friend I forgot to send home
Who waits up for me all through the night

Calendar girl who's in love with the world, stay alive

I dreamed I was dying as I so often do
And when I awoke I was sure it was true
I ran to the window threw my head to the sky
And said whoever is up there please don't let me die

But I can't live forever I can't always be
One day I'll be sand on a beach by the sea
The pages keep turning, I mark off each day with a cross
And I'll laugh about all that we've lost

Calendar girl who is lost to the world, stay alive
Calendar girl who is lost to the world, stay alive

January, February, March, April, May I'm alive
June, July, August, September, October I'm alive
November, December and all through the winter I'm alive, I'm alive


landing (n.) 樓梯平台

threw (v.) throw 投,擲

cross (n.) 十字架,叉叉